Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Anyone for tea?

It has been a slow day and I have drunk a lot of tea.

This morning the alarm went off at 4.45am! This was so that I could get Thomas up for work. He was starting at 6am and needed to be woken and given food and taxi fare.

Then I went back to bed.

Jeff got in from work at 7.30am and we had a cup of tea in bed.

Then I went back to sleep.

Dragged myself out of bed at 11am and hobbled to the butchers on my crutches (it is only 5 minutes walk from the house)
When I got back I sat down to wait for the internet shopping delivery and had a cup of tea.

Then I fell asleep on the sofa.

Jeff got up and I made a meal for him and the boys. The shopping arrived and was put away and when Jeff headed off for work another internet shop was done for all the things I had forgotten on the first one :-(

More tea was drunk.

Before I knew it it was time for bed!
I feel so lazy - and awash with tea :-))

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