The first day of June

This year it's a Sunday. And we are at the beach house. The night had been clear, so the morning was crisp, even cold. Mr H had woken even earlier than I did, and was already up, working out how to use his Rainbow Loom. He's made some excellent bracelets.

I decided to dress a bit more warmly for my run than I have been so far. I did wonder if I may be getting softer as I get older. However, today's paper (bought on the way back from my run along Erceg's Way) says that this has been the coldest start to a winter since records have been kept. I was glad that I wore gloves even though it was a little warmer today than the near zero C temperature of three days ago.

This photo was taken as the sun started to emerge from behind the low lying clouds; a couple of minutes after official sunrise. It is another in my Sunday Sunrise series.

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