Is That All You've Got?

After watching hundreds of freaky mutants duking it out in Days Of Future Past this morning, seeing this sucker in the middle of the pavement didn't phase me at all. What's it supposed to be, anyway? I think I see a giant green hand and a giant red hand reaching out of the ground to grab a leaf. Any other suggestions most welcome.

Charles Xavier suggested that the defining characteristic of human beings is hope. I think he could be right. It isn't love; there are animals who seem to show the capacity for love and compassion. But only humans seem capable of far future planning and perceiving the promise of something different and better. I guess it is that hope which allowed me to keep on running for 10 kilometers in 32 degree heat and still remain within the one hour time zone. There is an end to this punishment!

Xavier's quote about "hope" reminded me of this epic movie scene.

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