Today we went to a friendly cricket match as part of my Dad's job as Chairman of the Arun District Council. This one's a rematch though. My Dad's team was made up of friends of his and then people from his chosen charity - Home Start. I don't really know who they were playing against, but it was something to do with Officers or something official like that. Anyway, the first time, we won. But today unfortunately we weren't so fortunate. But apparently everyone's happy because it means that the score is even. I know it was mean to be a friendly thing and it's the taking part that counts - but I sort of wanted to win.
Anyway, this photo's just a quick snap of my sister (Elsa, the girl) and my cousin (Ed, the freakishly tall one on the right). Ed plays for one of the Hampshire teams and I think that he was meant to be headed for the England Squad, but his knees were a problem. Or something like that. In any case, he's good - and they had to put a limit on the number of runs that he could do before being called off. And my sister's never really played cricket before, but had a go anyway and was named player of the match. Despite both of my parents saying she couldn't play because she was a girl. Or words to that effect. I was too scared to have a go at batting - only because I didn't want to embarrass myself - but I had a go at fielding, which was quite fun. Even in a dress and flip flops.
All of this was, of course, interspersed with maths revision for tomorrow. Which, as far as exams go, I'm actually rather looking forwards to.
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