Messing about on the river

I knew there was a regatta on down at the river this weekend, so I set off early (for a Sunday) to walk along the banks.

Wont do that again in a hurry (unless of course I need a blip) it was chaos, poor dog spent most of his time on the lead so as to avoid being mown down by inconsiderate cyclists (who always seem to think that the footpath is only a cycle path and not to be shared with pedestrians, let alone dogs).

The rest of my day was very uneventful, provided a picnic lunch for friends who are hard at work renovating a three storey house so that they can move in in four weeks time, gloated over my ebay sales and refused to let Little miss bossy play in the garden with the sprinkler - yes, the sun may (just about) be shining, but the air is cool and I don't believe the 20C the weather thingumy says it is...

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