litl hikes

By litl

reflections 365

The birds seemed louder than usual at 4 am. I'm not sure if it was a sign of good weather but I took it as a message to get up and out.

According to the blip counter yesterday was number 364, so I was keen to get onto the fells for 365. I haven't a clue why I drove to Grasmere and walked the 2 miles up to Easedale Tarn (and 2 back) before breakfast, but am glad I did.
The mist was swirling just above the tarn and the early light picked out all the detail on the other side (including the tent).

Now that the 365 is complete I'm having a short blip break. I hope to be back in a week, batteries recharged and with a new pocket camera. Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me on my blip journey - I couldn't have got this far without you.

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