Plane Spotting

I decided to go down to Barton Airport this morning as I've not been there for years. In fact it is now called City Airport, not exactly an inspiring name, but it will always be Barton to me. The last time I was there was when I went on a flying lesson. I decided I wanted to try something a bit different so I booked a half hour flight. We went up and after showing me the controls the pilot said, "Go on, just have a play," and he took his hands off the joystick. Even though he was sitting right next to me I felt a nervous wreck. I turned left and right and dipped and rose and it was all quite stressful. When we headed back he asked where I lived and then flew over Worsley, I could not for the life of me work out where anything was. I'm just as useless with maps ha ha ha.

The sun was shining and it was perfect for flying...well it looked like perfect conditions to me. I joined the committed plane spotters on the viewing platform of the tower and watched the planes scuttle in and out. There were little planes, microlights and a few helichoppers buzzing about and it was great to watch. I liked this pic as you can see the haze under the helicopter just before it landed in front of me and blew up a whoosh of air.

I took a few pics and then headed home to sit in the garden and doze in the sunshine.

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