
I love spoons. When I was at Art college (not last decade, the one before that!!!) I developed a liking for them. I've always had a collecting habit and over the years I've accumulated an awful lot of stuff (quite a lot of crap) but back then I became quite obssessed with spoons in particular. I'd scour charity shops and (my favorite then) Dens Rd market for silver or silver plate ones. I had quite a sizeable collection and I'd draw them, make moulds from them, photograph them but usually I'd just look at them. My tiny studio spaces could've given Fransis bacon's studio a run for it's money messiness wise but I always had a clean(ish) space for my spoons.

Along with a beautiful old school desk and chair a tutor had given me, my spoons were stolen! I tried to build up my collection again but It was harder to find these old spoons (silver or silver plate or just ornate).

These are a few from the latter collection.

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