
By dark

Two Worlds

Gregor here stopped me on my walk home from work this afternoon.
Said he had a few questions about my Blipjournal.

"You're that dark|adapted guy, aren't you?" he asked, in a voice that sounded very much like a bug with a Brooklyn accent.

I found this odd, because, well, he just didn't look like he was from Brooklyn.

"Yes," I admitted.

"So I wanna know why you don't do more sunsets? How about a nice beach or two?"

I considered this for a moment.

Eventually, I responded - "How the heck are you checking Blipfoto? You don't have any fingers to type the address. Or a computer, actually."

"Whaddaya think these antennae are for? Pull it in over WiFi."


"So answer the question."

I admitted I had no answer, other than that I'm several hundred miles from the nearest beach, and my sunsets are blocked by that thirty-story building that occupies the entire block across from my window.

He clearly found my excuses feeble. "I wanna see some beaches! And a kid. You don't have any pictures of kids."

"I don't have any kids."

"Your point?"

The cold glint in his eye told me all I needed to know. I'd get no sympathy from this bug.

"Yes, of course," I said. "I'll try to do better."

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