The weather's really been lovely lately in Portland, and the evenings are starting to be beautifully golden. I love it.
The little sister is visiting from Alaska for a week and a bit. It's great to see her. Rather unfairly she's been out of school for a few weeks now and I still have two weeks left, but such is life. In September I'll be the one relaxing and laughing.
Got a bike yesterday - my first real "grown up" bike. The last bike I had was purchased at a yard sale when I was 12 or so, and it eventually was given away to a smaller neighbor. I usually just rode my mum's old bike, though me wanting to ride was really quite rare.
Since Portland is so bike oriented, I've been wanting to get rolling again for a long while now. The bike culture is really fun here. On campus there are literally thousands of bike staples for you to lock up at, and they all fill up during the day. It's quite incredible.
Rode three miles today, to and from the Saturday Market (open Sundays too, before you ask.) It was lovely and sunny and fun, even though I was constantly having to yell "on your left!" to get inconsiderate pedestrians to move (no, you shouldn't walk eight abroad!)
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