A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

British passport

Am in a bit of a rush today as we are heading straight from school pick up to Heathrow to catch a plane to Amsterdam for the weekend. Well, I wasn't in a rush but...having been infected by this blip thing doesn't really help.

I know, I'll just take a quick pic of my boarding pass and that'll do for today. Oh, but a piece of paper doesn't look very good. I know, how about adding in the passport too. Hm, better, but still not, you know, not really 'blipworthy' (I blame you lot for such good bloomin' pics!). Well, it doesn't really look good on the table, how about the floor, oh no, I know how about resting on the pianoloa, ooh, a better idea how about on the rim of the bar globe, making some comment about passports, world, something or other. (Quick distraction as Conor's missing penguin torch is located under the bar globe, will put in post SooB). No, the bar globe is too shiny even with the flash off. Perhaps a different lens will help. Change lens so passport now needs to be farther away. Also, in the middle of all this have realised that I need to rest the camera on something as hands very shaky and all pics are blurry. Okay, finally, passport on end of the pianola, camera the other, click, picture taken. Well, okay, about 4 taken but this is the first of those in that position.

Now need to be super organised for rest of day so all is perfectly packed and ready as I don't want to have to 'fess up to how much of this morning the above took! Bad SooB. Bad SooB.

On a more positive blip note - spending so long with my passport did remind me how amazing and fortunate it is to have a British passport and so I kind of like that in the picture it is a little out of arms length.

Lesley x

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