Round Up The Usual Suspects ...

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.

Casablanca (1942) Directed by Michael Curtiz

You may be wondering why I chose the "Usual Suspects" quote for today's journal entry title. Well, dear reader, it is because Mr. W and I decided to dine at the Boston Ritz-Carlton Hotel's Artisan Bistro for lunch today, primarily so that I could photograph the bar there for today's Casablanca challenge. I had just managed to take the fourth picture of the (totally empty of customers) bar, when a very officious, earpiece-wearing security guard appeared out of nowhere, and told me off in no uncertain terms for having the temerity to photograph inside the establishment. "It's against the rules" he pronounced sternly ... No doubt he had Rick's famous "gin joint" line running through his mind at the time. Dutifully dressed down, I skulked to our table, and spent the rest of the meal hoping my camera wasn't going to be confiscated ... Oh, the intrigue! I felt just like a WWII spy hanging out in Casablanca!

PS: I'm turning the star system off ... I have decided it's stress-making and therefore stupid!

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