
Headed through to Edinburgh today to hear the European Election declaration for Scotland. Scotland declared on the Monday this year as the Western Isles did not count until the Monday morning.

In 2009 the Western Isles counted on the Friday morning and I found myself on the early morning flight from Edinburgh to Stornoway...I enjoyed the trip.

This is Brian Taylor doing a piece to camera in between the Western Isles result being announced and then the final declaration.

A good result for us coming in top of the poll. No mean feat for a Party in it's 7th year of Government. Disappointing that we didn't manage to elect Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh as our 3rd MEP. Tasmina would have been an excellent MEP and it would have been great to increase the number of female representatives being returned by Scotland.

Also, frustrating that only one third of the electorate turned out to vote and that that third was an improvement on the 2009 turnout figure. Low turnout undoubtably a factor in Scotland returning a UKIP member.

This result today makes it even more clear to me the importance of a Yes vote in September. I did not like the way the South voted in this election and if that was repeated in a Westminster election in 2015 all it means for Scotland is having more policies we did not vote for being foisted upon us. We don't have to settle for that we can take the power into our own hands on September 18th...taking Scotland's Future in Scotland's Hands.

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