
By DancingAly

The Great Outdoors

Little B got out for a lovely doggy walk this afternoon, despite the drizzle. He came back filthy, from his toes to his chest. Straight up to the bath!

Another rather "quiet" half-term day. Payday is tomorrow, thank goodness. I did almost nothing all day, but I think really my body needed some down time. I took a little nap with B :-)

I had a quick dance lesson which went ok, but I'm just too tired for it all right now. I went to gym for 8:30pm, and felt energised and really positive when I got back. More bruises from the bar, but it was a good session. I met a great guy who was just visiting for a few months- he's a dancer too, and we worked on some conditioning together. I think I've found a gym-buddy :-)

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