Our five mile world

By hazyheap

Misty Moon

Up at the crack of dawn this morning. To the east, a lightening of the dark sky promising the start of a new day. The waning moon disappearing over Craigvinean forest and the silver birch trees covered with thick hoar frost.
Our min/max thermometer showed an overnight low of minus 16c
Max daytime temperature of minus 4c.

Stillness......silence........up before the lark.... blue tit, robin, jay,chaffinch or any one of the many birds that feed on our well stocked birdtable.

Blipping means that I am never without my camera and that I notice more of my surroundings, stay more in the moment and am mindful of my surroundings and landscape in a renewed way. I love it! Also delighted to have lost my L plates and thanks to all of you who noticed!

Then Bill and I sit down at the end of the day to upload all the various photos and decide on our favourite which we will share with you all.

Still experimenting a little with Picasa although there is something about the honesty and simplicity of an unedited shot.

By the light of the slivery moon...............!

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