Dull at Dalmally

“Poor Pee- Dopp”. What’s he talking about?
The software which controls our RTK GPS plays wave files on the occurrence of certain events:

“Observation Stored”

“Low Receiver Battery”

The perception of a site visitor unfamiliar with the kit is that the machine is talking back to you. You can switch it off but it is occasionally useful to hear the announcement if you are holding the pole above head level and you can’t read the screen.

If you move below tree canopy and obstruct the devices view of the sky in terms of SVs (space vehicles) satellites you are most likely to hear Poor Pee-Dopp, actually how it pronounces poor P.D.O.P. It stands for poor positional dilution of precision. Basically its way of telling you, you are holding it somewhere you shouldn’t if you want a decent measurement.

I’m a bit dull today too.

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