Bravo, Colton!

Back Blip #8.

For a few days after Snuffy died last week I thought perhaps I’d just clean out my sock drawer, make sure the bills were paid and then sit down and hope somebody from kitty heaven would come pick me up, even though I’m not entirely sure the concept of kitty heaven exists anywhere but in my head. Well, nobody showed up, at least not yet, and I’m thinking maybe Lizzie had something to do with that because she’s been extra loving lately and I think she’s trying to help. I couldn’t leave her anyway, so the two of us will just have to forge ahead without our little crooked kitty the best we can. We miss him so much. His special spot is empty and it’s especially hard at night and first thing in the morning because that was when he was always ready for his bedtime/wake-up loving. Anyway, Lizzie and I will just keep putting one foot/paw forward and hope it gets better . In the meantime, I have a tidy sock drawer just in case.

I’ve been very grateful for diversions this week and today I had one of the best. I went to a senior recital of one of my favorite people, Colton Myers, who is about to graduate from Western Washington University. He’s an extremely talented tenor and judging by his performance today, he’s destined for a spectacular career in musical theater. His future looks blindingly bright and I have no doubt he's headed for stardom and will end up with his name in lights on Broadway. Believe me, I’ll be in the front row for his debut (with bells on, Colton). I blipped a bit about him here last December. He’s one of those people who brighten your life just by walking in the door. So, Colton, here’s to all the red roses and great reviews that I know will be in your future.

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