This day

By snapper

Let sleeping dogs lie!

Today I caught up on work (some of it) booked our hotel for tomorrow's wedding on Bute then the postie came. At last my wee package arrived! hurridily I tore the paper off it and there inside was a wee wallet, inside that a wee box and inside that my new toy.

For a while I have been chasing the dust bunnies on my big camera's sensor and as I was a sensor virgin! I didn't want to do any damage.
Anyhows with the help of some of my flickr mates I gathered the strength and courage to go for it. Only problem being I had nothing to clean the sensor with and my jumper wouldnt do (doesn't do for my lenses either) Again a flickr pal came to the rescue and he posted me a sensor cleaner as Santa had bought him two.

After watching various videos , I took the plunge and taking my lens off and locking my mirror, I gave the wee Arctic butterfly a whirll and gingerly going where I had never been before, I gave it a few wee puffs with the blower, then swept the brush across the sensor.
All seemed to be well and after a few test pics all seems fine except one stubborn bunny so as I have had this camera for almost two years, I think I will put it in for a service and ask them to shoot that stubborn dust bunny.

Having done all that I felt I should take the doggies for a plod and take a few shots. They had a whale of a time running about the snow and came home and passed out on various chairs.
I was going to put up a wonderful sunset, a georgous snow sceane but I finally settled on useing my bigger lens to capture a sleeping Abbie dog

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