Oh My Darling Clema...tis

So, I'm sitting at my computer waiting for a photo to upload and I glanced out of the window. A van drove up and parked across the road and a man got out, he then proceeded to take his trousers off...well he had my full attention! He then pulled on a pair of shorts over his nice, tight bum and removed his top...I was considering grabbing my camera when he turned round, oh good grief I thought, I realised I had taught him in kindergarten about twenty years ago. He then went off into the physio and I was left feeling very old and somewhat discombobulated.

I went round to see Anne this morning and had a good catch up, she always knows all the gossip.

A few days ago my neighbour asked me to take a pic of her clematis as it is the first time it has flowered and she is feeling very proud and maternal, so I took a few shots this afternoon.

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