
Well, continuing my theme of getting ahead of myself before the party on Saturday I got the table clothes out tonight. Now, this may seem very boring but I inherited two Spanish tablecloths from my mother-in-law, both of which are absolutely horrible to iron. One is cream and one is white and I put them both on the table and had no idea which one I wanted to use on Saturday. Then I got the lovely round serviettes out to see if that would help and it didn't. So, I thought I'd let someone else (you) advise me so I took a quick photo and realised that actually I haven't got much of a dilemma because they actually are indistinguishable on the photo and they will have so much food on them on Saturday that there won't be much to see anyway!

So, I shall pick whichever one looks the easiest to iron when I get to that stage!

Anybody know where I can buy raspberry vinegar from?

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