Skinny Piggy

By SkinnyPiggy

Operation Stump

After failing to meet Monochrome yesterday, I thought I would try again today. I quickly finished my fish and chips in the canteen and texted him to see if he fancied meeting. Sure, I met him outside his building on Thistle Street, where he was still waiitng for StevieFish to come down. There I met StevieFish for the first time, a fellow blippper and a mate of Monochrome.

As a trio today and with StevieFish's mission - stump hunting, we had work to do. It wasn't long until a decent tree was spotted, then came SF's folding saw. Monochrome and I watched, caught up and snapped at SF for a bit while the operation was in action. 15-20 minutes later, and some ballast on the tree from us... first log obtained.

After a few more streets, Stevie Fish found his treasure. This 20+ Kg stump which we managed to get back to the office in an Ikea bag, I could not believe the bag took the strain!

It was a good day - caught up a bit with Monochrome, met StevieFish and did my weekly exercise all in one afternoon.

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