Coming in to Land!

Another really hard day with my Python training at work today. My brain is getting really fried now.

The day was momentarily brightened by the tantalising prospect of going to Athens next week for some meetings, but by the end of the day the date of the meetings had been changed to the week after next, so I can't attend as I'll be Iceland on my photographic holiday with John Gravett! I think I would prefer Iceland over Athens, especially as one is pleasure and the other was work.

When I got home I stepped out into the garden to get some fresh air while my tea was cooking and I noticed that there were a couple of bumblebees flying around my Foxglove. I quickly got my camera and put the macro lens on and took some pictures. I played with the settings a bit including cranking up the ISO to try and get a high enough shutter speed as it was quite a cloudy overcast day, in fact I nearly put my headlights on to drive home at 5.30 as it was so dark.

I'm quite pleased that I've managed to finally get some bumblebee shots, but I think I'll have to work on the technique. At least that will be an excuse for being out in the garden in the sunshine :0)

I'll put some more bee shots on the Blippers Community Overspill Flickr page.

Sorry for the lack of comments, I'm just so tired and frazzled tonight.

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