A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

and so it begins

12 weeks to go.
Can you feel the ground shaking?
The low growl in the distance?
Its the sound of Bridezilla approaching.
As today was the day when somebody asked me "Are you all set for the wedding then?" and I had to reply "No, not really"
I've been convincing myself there's not much to do.
How DELUDED was I being?!?!?
So tonight I have started getting on with things.
Well, for about an hour anyway. Then I got distracted by sorting through some photos from today!!!

All the way home from work, the sun was sinking into the sky and the sky was the most amzing colour. I was desperate to get back and catch the sunset as it got fiery and purple - I knew it was going to. Traffic chaos on the last 2 miles of the journey (none of our roads have been cleared, so the dual carriageways are sometimes not even single carriageways, and apparently INDICATORS and BRAINS DON'T BLOODY WORK IN COLD WEATHER so two different numpties nearly killed me by pulling out (turning right across the road in front of me) when they didn't have enough space and not indicating their intention first to attempt to kill me. Idiots.

Anyway - a handful of other shots are here
Journey to work this morning was intersting. ON the motorway by 7, after spending half an hour waiting for the car to warm up. 45 minutes stuck because a car had broken down in lane 1 in the roadworks near our house, then after that, a clear run.

Corin's just asked me if I am ranting again?!?!!?


So whilst I am at it.

1. Why do kids not wear coats in this weather? Why do parents not even make some attempt to send them out of the house with one?
2. Explain how schools can do right for doing wrong? We opened today. It was fine. One parent told myself and a colleague (whilst we were standing at the gate developing hypothermia in our extremities and doing grand impressions of Ernest Shackleton with our many layers of coats and gloves) that it was "bloody stupid opening for just one day today". Yet, I can guarantee that same parent would have been complaining mercilessly that the school was closed on 3 days this week!


Had a lovely compliment off one of my other colleagues today about my blipping - I showed her it and she didn't know I did this...kind words VK. Muchos gracias!

And positive news for a great friend of mine who seems to have made the right decision about something which, despite some initial trauma and heartache, might have actually worked out. Thinking of you DB. Just remember...not TOO much drink first. Otherwise the word mentalist might be used to describe you.

Happy weekend boys and girls. Thank you all for the lovely comments over the last couple of days. I have tried to get back to you all...if I missed you, I wasn't being rude, I promise.

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