58° North Daily

By 58NorthPhoto


I had an early appointment at the dentist this morning, to get an old broken tooth removed. It's had a crown in it, but that failed because the root fractured so I'm getting a bridge instead. Unfortunately though, because the tooth is broken, it left one of the roots behind when it was pulled out; the dentist pushed and pulled at it for nearly an hour but it wouldn't shift. I'm very sore now. I spent the afternoon on the sofa feeling sorry for myself but was feeling a bit better after a snooze and some pain killers. So I went for a walk round the castle grounds with the dogs before picking Michael up from the golf course. It was lovely in the evening sunshine and cheered me up.

This package for Michael turned up with the postman today. I love the old, low denomination stamps they've used to make up the cost of the second class postage. I think all letters should look like this, but I don't think the post office staff would be pleased!

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