a day in my life....

By harryjoy

The changing face of Joe...

A strange thing happens sometimes when I take a pic of the kids....It's like I don't recognize them from the photo...I mean, of course I know who they are (I've not completely lost it) .... but they look different. I understand that this is a consequence of a mechanism the brain uses to simplify and make sense of the surroundings and those around us in that when you see someone everyday you tend to hold an image of them in your mind. Occasionally, especially with growing kids, you are forced to change that mental image. Blipping, I think, helps me notice these changes more regularly.

A busy day today at work, along with a bit of pressie buying for Jules wore me out.....so I needed a bit of red bull stimulation tonight for band practice. Excellent fun although I might struggle getting to sleep now :-0

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