You light up my World!

Oh boys, you lit up my world today. what a lovely day I have had spent with my lovely teenage daughter, my best friend and her teenage daughter.

Our first leg began on the local bus route which we don't often use, but a very nice run it was.

We got off the bus, went for cash then a lesson in Vodafone on how to save battery life in my phone cos it died very quickly. we then went to the train station where we met a bus load of elderly people. I'm not ageist but they all stood at the entrance of the train station blocking the door. Trying to see up the road where the bus would collect them at 2.30pm. It looked like it would take them till half past two to see where they were going let alone get there.

So we boarded our train and off in One Direction to Edinburgh. This went without incident apart from a brief discussion on contraception but that was educational and part of an exam so all above board.

Once off the train and catching my finger in the rubbish bin on Princess Street all was good.

Our next form of transport was a taxi, our first of 3. He was lovely, the second was fine and the third is another story!!we found our guest house, got ready and left for Murrayfield.

At Murrayfield we had a little wait, not long befor I tripped over the barrier without falling then held the queue up slightly looking for the tickets.

Once in, a visit to the bathroom saw my third accident! The toilet roll holder fell in the side of my head. Should have filled an accident form in really!

So to our seats, way up in the gods, and the first of our boy bands 5 seconds of Summer, or 5SOS! They were very good, could hear every word sung and they looked like they enjoyed themselves.

Then for the main group. One Direction. They were ok. A little disappointing if I'm honest. I couldn't hear their words. They looked tired, I must admit I was looking for signs of drugs!! Liam and Niall were the two who looked most interested and gave it their best. Poor Harry really wasn't well and wasn't able to sing but he seemed to enjoy just being there. Now the other two Zayne and Louis didn't appear too bothered, tired, ill, whatever, i don't know. Anyway, they did seem to pick up when they apologised and explained that they were all full of cold. They sang all the favourites and told me I didn't know I was beautiful and all about my little things, then I got the story of their life so all ended well. Oh and we loved a firework!

we also found out at this concert that we have made history, we were part of that. Apparently the biggest attended concert in Scotland with a crowd of 64,000. I have made history!!

Screaming over we headed out of the stadium to find our way home! Taxi number 3!!!!! what a bloody nightmare. my Teenage daughter was a little frightened. The girls thought he was drunk! he was a little eccentric, he had puppets and props in his cab, He talked all the way back to our guest house and had the girls convinced he was mad! he told us that he'd lost his lisence for having props in his car and we could check up on him, he flashed his lights in the cab like a disco, we thought he was hilarious but the girls weren't so sure especially when he called one Elsie. we did however get back in one piece and missed a lot of traffic.

To sum to today quite a bit came along to light up my world.

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