My Best Efforts - Year 3


Clematis......... blooming. I have two of these - the other one, although the same variety, is only just in bud. I don't know why they vary - they are very close to each other.

I have tried to create a sort of spotlight effect - am not sure whether I like it or not but it's fun to experiment especially on a dull dreary morning!

Today is the day I see the Cardiologist - I admit to butterflies in my tummy - but Anni has managed to re-arrange her mission so that she can come with me for moral support and ask any questions I may not think of! She's good at that and will be there to celebrate if the news is good and to offer support if it's not brilliant. Three cheers for Anni - she's the best daughter and I love her very much.

It's not a very nice morning - rather matches my mood! - the sky is grey and there is no sign of sunshine as yet - we live in hopes! Temperature is around 54 Deg.F.

Have a lovely day.

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