Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

E.T. Phone home?

A wet walk today and en route I came across some trees covered from top to bottom in caterpillars and webs! Never seen anything like it before! A man came along and told me they were bird cherry moths, well the caterpillar stage.
I took photos and they were going to be my blip until sporut decided to roll in some I think it was fox poo! He was covered and STANK!
As Tilly liked to stay close to him she stank too!
Once home sprout was bathed first then Tilly.
I think with sprouts coat being quite wirey, he dries of very quickly but Tilly still having her puppy coat and the trauma of having a bath was shaking and couldnt stop.

I wrapped her in a blanket, cuddled her to stop her shaking and she fell fast asleep.
I much easier blip on the eye then a plaque of caterpillars!

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