Separate Walks

Beano is having to have shorter walks.

He will be eleven years old in October.

Suddenly he is not able to do certain things.

He has started having trouble with his back.

We are managing to control the flare ups.

Shorter walks.

No rough play.

Fewer swims.

This afternoon I took him for a short walk to a lagoon on the foreshore.

Sat nearby and just allowed him to paddle.

Left the girl dogs at home.

He really enjoyed himself.

He loves water.

It is very strange taking the dogs for different walks.

Will take some getting used to.

Hate leaving Beano behind.

Therefore need to make sure he isn't missing out.

The girls are now on the beach with their daddy.

Beano is asleep in the hallway.

After a good dry, and a cuddle.

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