
By WeeDragon

Ooops, I admit it's all my Fault

Yes, it's my fault that there was a queue in the PO. :-P

Late lunch with Mum.

I went so hoping it was going to be quiet. Parcel wrapped in black polybag to get there as cardboard and rain just don't mix well.

There was a lady in front of me and no one else, left Post Office with six queuing and none wishing to stand out in the rain.

Parcel needed prepaid stamps in it for return journey, so had to wait for them before taping box up in front of every one ;-( rip tape with teeth ;-), then another set of stamps stuck on top over 22 quid!

Mum's craft stuff all away to the Royal Highland Show Craft Exhibition Comp, asked Mr Helpful PO Man to wish them luck, so more funny looks from those behind ;-P

Yes it quite definitely was me, guilty as seen!

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