Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Ebeneezer kindergarten...........................

Had a lot of photographs today and this is not the best by any means but it portrays how I feel about today!

As I mentioned yesterday (backblipped for those who are interested), I was in Mzimba with our Presbytery trainers. Today we visited two centres, one under my domain and the other not! This is the one which was not and really why any parent would send their child here is beyond me! Its in the middle of a welding yard and the noise is unreal as is the welding light not conducive for young children. There are no play materials at all and the caregiver was doing rote learning.......it made me want to cry! And unfortunately that is just like the majority of the Early Years centres in Malawi!

On a positive note, it was a lovely hot and sunny day and we had a lot of fun. Back home in Mzuzu tonight!

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