
By fforchwen

Small but sore

We laugh about it now but it was very sore when I nearly sliced through my finger. Ironically, I was showing Dilys how to cut something like a potato with a cooks knife. Having found some beef from Sundays roast dinner in the fridge, she wanted to make some soup, I started showing her how to chop cooked meat and I sliced right down, nearly to the bone. Bless her though she went and got some tissues and when I said she'd be a great doctor, she said she was more looking to follow a career as a vet.

Rain all day today and only about 10c so not the best. I think me and the dog are coming down with something but I have 5 ram lambs coming back tomorrow at 9 so that'll have to wait. I fancy one of those 'duvet' days but as the saying goes, there will be no rest for the wicked!

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