
More of the wrapping paper for fragile things and less of the rapt today.

I returned home to the sort of message from my insurance company that makes me cranky. Why would you phone someone at home when they know I work and have a cell phone number? With the premiums we pay why would you leave a phone number that is a toll call for me?

Anyway, that's enough ranting.

Tonight I've pretty much sussed the kitchen with the help of a friend. Some parts get packed and removed, some stays. The interesting bit is working out what goes into storage, what stays behind in the kitchen in sealed cupboards and drawers, and what comes with me.

Today's interesting discovery; at work the cupboard with the mop in it is locked but the office I work in has no lock. The cupboard has a mop and sort of stuff you need if you spill something. The office has thousands of dollars worth of computer gear and personal effects.

One more day of work then I have 2 full days to pack etc before the movers are on my door step.

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