Blue (as in frozen)

I didn't venture from the house today seeing as yesterday was so treacherous under foot, and I didn't have a need to go to the shop. It would have been an idea to go to the compost heap with the overflowing bucket of scraps for Vic and Bob the rats, but I didn't want to disturb the back door. In the morning, Big Sid and Sybil were running around the kitchen and I picked up Big Sid and noticed his paws were icy cold. Down at foot level, I tracked an icy breeze coming from between the bottom of the door frame and the bit underneath (insert technical name here). The foam stuff I'd applied to the rest of the door a few days ago didn't work here so I found odds and sods of cushions, hay bags, discarded jumpers and piled them against the draught. A wee while after, all our feet were warming up. I always wondered why the cat sat on the breakfast bar and now I know it was because he didn't want cold feet.

I also discovered draughts coming in through the front door so I tackled it with foam. It won't be draughting any more, even if we can't shut the door properly and bits of foam stick out willy nilly. After all, it's not how it looks, it's how warm you are. I'm sure that's what my mum always told me.

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