
Propping up the bar wall , heehee she stands for a while
then sits down, I guess it wont be long before she's walking
she will be 11 months at the weekend, I said to her Ma plenty
time for walking, I want her to stay a baby for a little longer :-))
Up early this morning a very very wet dog walk, then off with
Mr L shopping, we have lost 8 tennis balls that Buster loves
most in the long grass the others in the hedging, but we went
to the discount sports shop and they had a brill deal and these
ones are spongier so hopefully will bounce higher...
Then to TK Max and got a few things for Isla, over to hers had
a feta cheese and chillie pepper wrap which was scrummy, now
home and their is talk about lighting the fire....bloody hell it's
Hope your all having a fine day :-)

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