Out in town ...

With my dear friend Brenda (from Alabama). We'd had a day planned in town for a bit of 'pampering' (it was a birthday present, this birthday of mine just keeps going on, lucky me:))!!!

We then had a walkabout in Central and ended up on Pottinger Street to stop and get fresh grapefruit juice, something I nearly always do when I'm there.

Really enjoyed our time together and I was grateful that she didn't mind being my subject, so graciously standing there with our juices on the steps leading up to the famous dress-up shops. Anything your mind can imagine for a costume, can be found here... ANYTHING!

Started my day early as I was accompanying Jon to the airport, he's on a school trip for a few days.

Been a good day with some more glorious weather. Should I rub it in?? We really are loving it.

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