Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Poor Pudding she has not enjoyed the last 9 and half months and now the boys follow her where ever she goes. I think as time goes on she may move from being a house cat to an outside cat. Just so the poor thing gets some peace.

We had an early start this morning (5am) thanks to a wet leaky nappy from I so tonight he will be in the next size up at bed time. I've only kept him in the 3+ nappies as we had most of a packet left.

Considering they were up so early the boys have only napped for a total of 90mins. They are getting a little grumpy no so hopefully straight to sleep tonight.

I'm starting to worry about their milk consumption as they are still having a three bottles in the day along with their bed time bottle and more often than not we wake for a top up in the night. They should be having between 600-800ml but some days we are having well over a 1000ml and if we have 800ml or less these are the nights we wake for more milk. I may try dropping the amount of milk they have and see if they eat more actual food.
I can't imagine them being on only a pint of whole milk a day by the middle of August!!

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