
By granpabear


This is by far not my best capture of the morning, but it forces a confession out of me. So I have to use it to let the grandkids know how I was. I am a slob.
This dude was getting ready to golf this morning as I was leaving. He had rebuilt this golf cart from a heap left out in a field. It was built by the first company to build golf carts. It was built in 1950. He spouted all of the detailed history of the company. Al shined up and decked out neat as a pin. This is not me. I just don't seem to have time to be that neat. My car and my golf equipment are a mess. My shop is a mess. My massage room is not what you would call neat.
I really respect people like this guy, but I am just to busy playing, walking and working to be cleaning. I like being me.

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