A Different Corner

Shot taken very close to the N59 about 1.5 km. outside Den Bommel, a little village with an okayish windmill which I'll blip one day.

Of course I passed by Brielle again today. I went to what has become my favourite bakery and then I went to a store that sells exotic Asian goodies and bought myself a blouse, an incense stick holder and a dolphin CD.

Today I learned that every year, on 1 April, the whole town dresses up in medieval costume and celebrates 1 April 1572, when it was liberated from the Spaniards and fell into Dutch hands again. I have made a mental note to attend next year's festivities. You can bet I am going there not just to blip.

A regular heavy downpour this morning, both at home (accdg to hubby) and at work, complete with percussion. At about 14.30, it was quiet again. By 15.00 the sun was in its usual euphoric state. That is what I call perfect timing!

And the happiest feeling was when I went home and saw hubby again.

It's still bright and warm as I post this.

Speaking of sunny, THANK YOU for commenting on my yellow food yesterday!

And now ... the Dutch hockey ladies are playing New Zealand in the World Cup ... go go go Orange!

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