Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

New camera housing

Bad start to the evening. Managed to trash the bike by trying to park the car with it still on the roof.
Roof rack is knackered, front wheel is snapped, not sure on the gears and the front forks might be bent. Just what I needed as I have a race on Sunday. Hopefully the insurance will cover it.

Still on a better note I managed to sort out the dive kit for holiday and took the new camera housing to the pool for a try.

I have been trying to save the money together to get the OMD-EM5 underwater since we bought it at Christmas. As we are hopefully going to go diving on holiday the credit card took a pounding and we bought it.

This one has a moisture alarm built in so you know if its not sealed correctly. I jumped in and slowly went down the diving pit looking for the alarm. All went well.
Need to spend a good few hours above and below the water getting the settings right and figuring out how to use the strobes, still not bad for a first attempt.
The super macro lens that hinges over the front of the housing is very super macro. That will take a while to get used to.
Can't wait for holiday now.

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