Biscay silhouette

My blip absence for the past couple of days has been caused by technical issues - namely the fact that I left my laptop charger at home.

We called in at the Apple store in Bordeaux to get a new one today. Parking the motorhome proved to be quite a problem but we managed it and when we parked up in our rather nice wild camping spot in a forest by the sea I was rather pleased with myself. That is until I realised that ‘Wild Camping’ means no mains power so my shiny new power supply remains unopened.

I have uploaded this blip using the last few percent of power in my laptop and using my phone as a data source (yes that’s another thing - no WiFi in the forest!)

Never mind, we’ve got satellite TV so we can watch BBC!

We are a few hundred yards from this lovely beach where you can see Technophobe's silhouette against the Bay of Biscay.

I hope to get the other back blips uploaded in the next day or two

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