
By MoragAirds

Boireanach Hearach

Moving on from last night's Harris blip to tonight's Harris woman blip. My lovely mum has come for a flying visit, down from Inverness. Mum is a Harris woman and possibly the best granny in the world to little A. They decided to have a go at unravelling a Pac a Mac that some kind soul had given A for her birthday (!).

Granny is always up for a challenge/ puzzle so they wrestled with it on the doorstep of the Falls of Lora Hotel until they got the bin bag (did I say that) over her head, eventually finding a small hole for air!
It goes without saying there was not a spot of rain around but little A sashayed her way to the car, draped in plastic from head to foot. Granny followed closely looking on with pride at her handiwork.

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