
By woofcity


Today is my 46th birthday. It's been a busy day. Walkies with Simon, Vikki with her dog Kia along the South Down Way at the Eastbourne end. Stunning views towards Hastings and Seaford.

Leaving the pups at home Simon took us out for lunch at the tea rooms near the woods I walk in. He was surprised by my choice of where to go until he tasted the food.

Took the kids home then we went out for a camera afternoon starting with woodland, the lake then ending up looking at cameras in Currys. We found a Nikon on offer so I bought it for him and he will pay me back. Our camera days will be soooo good now, I'm excited for him. There was some charge in the battery so we ended our day on the beach for some practice.

Home for a supermarket Chinese and a flop on the sofa catching up on puppy cuddles. Being 46 has started well :)

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