Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Jiant Juke

Met up with Alex today to go to Hamilton Mausoleum, which I had wanted to visit for years. She had some genealogical connection with it too so she was also keen to see it. However, today's tour was cancelled because the recent rain had flooded the interior. “Come back in better weather” we were told. Had a wander around Hamilton Museum instead and found it to be much more interesting than I expected. This bust (which was enormous – about five foot high) of William, the 11th Duke of Hamilton, originally sat inside The Duke's Monument – a beautiful, ornate structure built to commemorate the Duke, who died in 1863. The monument is situated above Chatelherault, which was once the Duke's hunting lodge. It would have also overlooked Hamilton Palace which was the Duke's home. Sadly, the palace is no more but today everyone can visit Chatelherault as it's now the centrepiece of a country park.

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