Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Bee's Knees...

I haven't used my 28-300 lens for a while, so I took it out on a little excursion today. It isn't often that I am able to get decent bee-in-flight shots, so I had to go with this today. Plus, I thought her messy fur coat and fluffy pollen leg-warmers were ... well, the bee's knees!

The started very wet so I opted not to meet up with my nature group today. Turns out that I probably should have gone since the rain let up by mid-morning...but by then it was too late. Oh well. It gave me time to get caught up on some things here that I'd been neglecting.

The cedar waxwings have discovered the cherry trees again this spring - last spring there was a small group of them busy eating the tiny cherries for several weeks (along with the catbirds and cardinals). I saw the branches of the tree moving around this morning and heard the distinctive high-pitched tzeee that waxwings make. Sure enough, one popped it's head out of the tree and gave me "a look." I posted it, along with six other shots starting HERE with a crane fly.

Tomorrow I'm lunching with a friend, but may try to get out for an early morning hike since the weather should be nice.

Thank you for sending my clearwing moth to the spotlight page! I am getting anxious for my bee balm to start blooming as the clearwings seem to love it. Last summer I had loads of them flying around in the garden and I am hoping for the same this year.

Happy Thursday, people.


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