J & J's Dad

By chollins

Unlucky then lucky

Took a walk up to the Pentlands today, i was playing about with different settings to blur the water of a river in the woods approaching Harlaw Reservoir. So i'm down on my knees in the snow with a crappy little tripod which cost about £2.50 from M & S, with the camera on self timer. I take a few photos and as i go to stand up, i see movement on the other side of the river. A deer is about to cross the river about 10 foot away and it hasn't seen me. I slowly lift the camera up (crappy tripod still attached) wait for it to come a bit closer, then still not believing my luck take the photo. But instead of taking the photo, what happens? It's still on B*****D SELF TIMER AAAAARGH! The deer gives me a funny look and legs it. Unbelievable! As i go to walk away i spot the funghi growing on the tree. Took the shot with the auto macro setting then cropped the photo.

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