My world in pictures.

By HeyJude51

Happy Birthday

OMG.......My eldest child has left her teens behind and is now a very grown up 20 year old. She is an absolute delight and I love her to bits. Instead of the usual trip out to a restaurant for her birthday she decided to have a barbeque which, although was a great deal more 'work', turned out to be the best idea. Impromptu parties are often the best and this one sure turned out well. Some good friends of ours joined us with only 12 hours notice.

Although it was a 'school night' and exams are high on the agenda, we were grateful that everyone took some time out from revision to help Katy celebrate this momentous time in her life.

Thank you The Ruffles, James and Abbie for coming to Katy's party and we hope you liked the Fork Handles Chocolate Cake.xx

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