
By RoseFamily

Snow in June

Nathaniel enjoying dressing up as Thomas at Ben's house "me in Thomas dress"! Poor Nathaniel has red cheeks and is a bit under the weather since yesterday. Finally realised it's because he has cut a new molar top right! May also explain his night waking. Poor little boy. Still at lest there are now only three teeth left to come, and if they're like his last molars they'll all come in quickly.
Went to shake and wiggle this morning, nice to see George again. Nathaniel had fun as had all his favourite nursery rhymes (duke of York, row row and Hokey Cokey). Then we all had lunch together (even Bay!). This afternoon had lovely playtime at Ben's house. Bex made magic snow in June which was lots of fun! Charlotte and Becky came over too which was great. Nice end to the day.
Nathaniel has always enjoyed flicking the power socket switches, but has now decided the little red bits on the switches are strawberries! He then pretends yo pick them and runs over saying "here you go mummy/daddy....licious" (delicious!) If only strawberries did grow on sockets....

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