Dogs on beach

Cousteau, Lenci and Harvey (the Springer) had a whale of a time racing around on the beach. The wind blew their ears this way and that. Their doggy smiles stretched from ear to ear. Their tails wagged with the excitement of it all. They chased sticks. They chased birds. They chased each other.

Really and truly there is so much to learn from our four-legged friends.

While JL and I hunched our shoulders against the wind and screwed up our eyes against the sand being blown into them, the dogs just lived for the moment.

Once we'd relaxed and chosen to do likewise, the experience was a much more enjoyable one.

I gave JL a gift for Christmas and on it, it said, 'Strive to be the person your dog already thinks you are'.

It's a lot to aim for but I'm game. =)

BTW - quite a heavily processed shot today, I know, but the dramatic sky and the windblown beach just somehow lent themselves to a bit of artistic licence.


The hardest decision a dog-owner has to make and a loving tribute to a faithful friend. Bye bye Mr W.

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