
This was dinner. I like bacon on a bagel. With brown sauce of course.

Apologies for my terrible photos, my total lack of commenting and my lazy arsed blipping!

I am going to make an attempt to get back to doing it every day rather than letting them mount up on different memory cards, on my phone and generally being a slacker.

It's the weekend though! Whoop! The little lad from the garage who I've pestered all week sent me some pics of Barney looking all shiny before he goes off to have his nice warm bum seats fitted! I'm not blipping them though cause he needs my new registration and my camera! Wednesday... I have to wait till Wednesday so you have to wait too!

He's fabulous though! Every time I see a Beetle my face erupts into the biggest grin and my tummy does that little flip thing cause in four sleeps I'll be driving mine home!

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